About RST

The company "RST Rechner- und Softwaretechnik GmbH" in Essen emerged from its predecessor
RK Softwaretechnik in 1985, whose activities until then comprised developments such as a
hardware device for diskette conversion (8", 5.25", and 3.5" formats and various operating systems),
software solutions such as a system for automated maintenance of industrial plants, operating
system components for computer manufacturers etc.

Analogous and digital archiving techniques, as well as interactive optical storage systems, in
particular image archiving became a centre of activity, which eventually spawned a branch
of application of it's own: the product family DIBA KANAL.

The development of individual software forms another large field of activities. Our customers are
end users as well as computer manufacturers (operating system components, graphics modules,
compilers, hybrid systems).

Very often, RST is addressed as a competent partner for research institutions. RST possesses
specialised know-how in the field of language technology. Therefore, RST was asked to develop
software solutions for universities and other research institutions , both domatic and abroad
(e.g., the universities of Paris, Salzburg, Bochum, Wuppertal, EU projects) and for partners in the
industry (Raab Karcher, Philips Kommunikationsindustrie, and others). The "Talking Linguistic
Atlas", the "Multilingual Multimedia Document Management System", the statistics package
"Altmann Fitter" and other developments became very successful.

Electronic publishing became a field of activity of its own right. Individual solutions such as
those for the publishing house STAMM-Verlag, products like iQuma and services are recent